Evolution’s Tenets & Beliefs

Attacking Christianity through a false religion disguised as science.

The Bible says it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. My presumption of that verse is that bigger threats we can see and protect against. It is the little threats, subtle threats, or cute furry little critters that are not as likely to cause alarm until it is too late. The destruction caused by these little things, is a little at a time until the damage cannot be repaired. It is some of the “little things” we just assume are true that can damage your faith.

You may be surprised to discover that one of the roots, if not the main root of your struggle with faith is tied up in the “pseudo-science” of evolution’s theory. As shown below, evolution is a competing false religion that pre-supposes certain blind tenets of faith. These supposed “truths” are covered over with lies that are supposedly based on “science”. Evolution is one of the biggest misinformation campaigns over more than 100 years.

That Little Fox Behind Many Who Lack Faith

Too often in Church seats, and even behind the pulpit, we have a belief system based on a false religion. That false religion is designed to undermine faith in God and a Savior. What is that false religion? It is the theory of evolution. In a moment we will get to why evolution is a theory that is more like a religious belief but first we must understand the impact on faith of believing in evolution. This is the foundation of why Evolutionary theory is nothing more than a cleverly disguised false religion.

Evolutionary theory is the idea that things took millions or billions of years for life to develop, adapt, and then form. It is the idea that it was all a series of “happy accidents” with no intelligent input, reason, or purpose. The danger in accepting evolution is that you have unknowingly eliminated the need for a Savior. You have accepted that the Bible and its message are not true.

Either God created everything as His Word says or evolution created everything. There is nothing in between.

If evolution created everything then there was no literal Adam and Eve, no original sin, no serpent to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden, and then no need for a Savior to redeem us from the curse of death that sin brings. Evolution converts the Creation story in the Bible into an illustration of some life lessons and not a retelling of actual history. Without Adam and Eve, without an original sin, then there is no need for Jesus as a redeemer. Jesus as a Savior becomes a myth. You cannot believe both. They are completely opposite of each other and not compatible. The Bible becomes merely a collection of wise stories or helpful life lessons and not actual history.

That Little Fox Behind the False Religion of Evolution

Let’s look at how evolution is packaged as “science” but is actually a false religion. It is based on things that cannot be proven, and in many cases have been shown to be impossible. It is merely a false religion and one of the biggest misinformation campaigns the world has ever seen.

First of all, the scientific method means you must be able to prove something to demonstrate your theory. It is a basic principle. Let’s look at a few of the things evolutionary theory expects us to just take on blind faith and without proof:

  • A nearly infinite number of “accidents” happened which created more and more complex “machinery of life”.
  • But before that we have the “Big Bang” where the Universe just magically “poof” popped into existence from absolutely, literally NOTHING. Then, the whole universe and all of the building blocks of life from the material of that universe just “evolved” over billions of years! A single “point” of nothing made absolutely everything so large we measure it in the time light travels in a year. So much matter, so much distance, our human mind cannot comprehend it.
  • This all supposedly happened over time spans so long the human mind cannot comprehend them. Supposedly BILLIONS and BILLIONS of years.

Using just these three items (and not the hundreds, or even thousands of faith-based fake science “theories”) let’s consider the silliness of each in turn.

That Little Fox Comes with Some Rocks, Water, and a Few Base Chemicals and POOF! MAGIC!

The first evolutionary article of faith you are expected to believe is the silly notion that:

  • A nearly infinite number of “accidents” happened which created more and more complex “machinery of life”.

We will ignore for a moment the widely accepted and commonly observed “law of nature” called entropy. The accepted science around entropy is the idea that things naturally break down over time or move from order to disorder. We see this as things that decompose. We see it everywhere and it shows the silliness of evolution. Evolution expects blind faith that magical accident on top of magical accident, on top of more magical accidents, on, and on, and on “accidently” developed living machinery that grew more and more complex over great amounts of time. Not!

When challenged on this many evolutionists mix in a dash of distraction from their evolutionary faith-based beliefs by saying that they don’t deal with the origins of life, but only with “natural selection”. This is plain bait and switch because those of us taught in public school about the theory of evolution KNOW we were taught that it is all based on “science.” We were taught that life itself (magically) emerged from the “primordial ooze” of a bunch of rocks, water, and a few base chemicals. Is it any wonder why they divert attention from real science? It was Charles Darwin himself who made the actual scientific claim in his book on the Origin of Species (don’t miss that word “Origin” or “starting point”) which started the whole religion of Evolution:

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” –Charles Darwin, Origin of Species

Our modern science has no reasonable theories (even untested) explaining the most minimally complex origin of life through any natural process. This is before considering Darwin’s biological natural selection. Consider carefully what Darwin’s own writing says that would disprove evolution. The claim is that only beneficial changes, that are immediately useful, can be part of evolution. Stop and think, if you need a nervous system connected to an eye, and you need both connected to the brain to function, then all three would have to have occurred all at once! Not only occurring at once, BUT they must also be interconnected too! Otherwise, under evolutionary “natural selection” theory, even if they magically, accidently occurred in parallel, if they are not immediately connected, they are useless to evolution and discarded.

The last few decades have produced an interesting twist that has finally demonstrated there is a Creator. However, that proof is often ignored or overlooked by the adherents of what is a faith-based religion of evolution–-, the mighty DNA strand. The chemical chain of the code of life with literally BILLIONS of instructions! Instructions so complicated that rival our most advanced computer programming capabilities, combined with our most advanced machinery, combined with our most advanced chemical processes all together at once! It is all programming on how to construct living organisms with chemicals.

There are chemical instructions in DNA directing life’s little cellular “chemical factory” reactions. DNA controls how reactions within cells, as part of greater or more complex systems, are turned on and off as needed to build life! DNA not only controls the shape and construction of life, but the billions upon billions of chemical reactions, across the trillions of cells in a human body, that take place every day, throughout our life! That DNA “computer code” builds the machinery of life and then it instructs that machinery how to operate. That DNA even contains instructions on how to repair that machinery when it gets broken! That DNA even controls how the chemical machinery processes the fuel, or food, that each living thing consumes for life sustaining processes. Even though there is a lot of that DNA chemical code that is shared amongst species and plant life, there are unique differences in the chemical “computer program” which are clearly designed for each type of life to operate in its unique environment! That can NOT be by accident!

Some have compared the DNA complexity analogy to a tornado going through a junkyard and constructing a brand new 747. Compared to what DNA actually does that analogy would is child’s play. In terms of the complexity of the DNA and what it actually does, imagine this more accurate comparison:

There is so much more to the DNA construction equivalent about building the 747 by ONLY accidents (no intervention or intelligence). It would also mean that DNA after building the airplane would also fly it without a pilot, have multiple malfunctions in the air while flying, repair the malfunction without mechanics (and just with the tools on board), then continue a route through various types of storms to its destination. All of this is done from takeoff through landing and parking at the gate with no Air Traffic Control or ground crew, and ending with a properly functioning 747 airplane! Then, that would be repeated day after day, year after year, over an entire lifetime. The engineering and design of such a thing exceeds humanity’s collective intelligence.

Evolution expects you to believe this happens all by the chance of an unimaginable number of “accidents” over an impossible to understand period of time!

So, now that you understand the absurdity of the beginnings of life, or what is called “biogenesis,” you might understand why today they try so hard to avoid these discussions. Today’s evolution teaches this “primordial ooze” biogenesis LIE (or, the Origin of Species) to children and adults all over the world. When directly challenged on this biogenesis the evolutionary purists spout natural selection as the answer as if quoting from some religious text about the inerrancy of the false god of evolution. They simply demand you accept their blind faith as true! They want your unquestioning, totally obedient, absolute faith! And how dare you challenge their “science”! If you do, you will be attacked as being anti-science and illiterate. But it is they who are illiterate to their own blind, zealous religious articles of faith!

BOOM! POOF! Magic! Rainbows, Unicorns, and Pixie Dust in the Skies Oh My!

Go to a dark place away from city lights and look up. Countless stars. Too many to count in a dark moonless sky. If it is dark enough you can even see the milky way, known for the vast number of stars it contains. Yet somehow, supposedly billions of years ago, from absolutely nothing everything in the universe just BOOM magically appeared! It all came into being! From nothing, absolutely everything so large and so vast the human mind cannot even comprehend it. This is the magical “Big Bang” that happened without the hand, or as the Bible says, the voice of God.

  • The “Big Bang” is where the Universe just magically “poof” popped into existence from absolutely, literally NOTHING! A single “point” of nothing made absolutely everything so large we measure it in the time light travels in a year.

In considering the next big article of evolutionary religious faith, or “science,” the evolutionary faith expects you to believe in magical pixie dust that from nothing, everything! That after a miraculous “poof” the universe started to “evolve” over vast periods of time. Maybe you can start to see the magical rainbows, unicorns, and pixie dust it takes to believe that nothing created everything and then magically ASSEMBLED ITSELF! I prefer my religion with the Intelligent Creator described throughout the Holy Bible.

Be patient here as we put this into context before moving on. The diameter of the earth through its center is roughly 8,000 miles. Our Sun is about 93,000,000 miles away, or a little over 11,500 times the earth’s diameter, and it takes 9 minutes for its light to reach earth. The Voyager 1 space probe recently exited our solar system, past Pluto, after almost 35 YEARS! Voyager 1 is traveling at approximately 38,000 miles an hour and in that 35-year journey it has travelled a similar distance that light travels in 4 hours. Stop for a moment and think about that. Traveling faster than you can imagine (38,000 mph), farther than you can imagine (for 35 years before it left the solar system), and that is only 4 hours for light to travel. The nearest star is supposed to be approximately the distance light would travel in a little over 4 years! Now you are just beginning to scratch the surface of the immense size of the universe. A universe so large the human mind cannot comprehend its size. Many objects observed by our telescopes in outer-space are presumed to be billions of light years away!

Now with that idea of distance in mind, let’s consider size. This big blue ball we call earth has a width of roughly 8,000 miles. Our breathable air extends to a bit over 3.5 miles high. NASA defines the boundary to space as roughly 50 miles high. At 50 miles high that would be a bit more than a sheet or two of paper in width on a typical classroom globe. Then, our Sun is so large it could fit 10,000 planet earths inside of it.

This context is important to understand just how crazy the things they ask you to take on blind faith really are. Stop and THINK! Supposedly a universe so vast, with objects so large, our human mind cannot truly comprehend its size, then POOF! Magic! Popped into being out of nothing with no Creator’s intervention. No designer adding the ingredients over time to form or shape things. No force but pure “nothing” fairy tale magic that just made it so! This is the magical fairy tale the Evolutionists ask people to believe as supposedly “accepted science.” Somehow “poof” nothing, becomes everything, and then begins to form and assemble itself into atoms, and then the atoms into planets, stars, and galaxies. This “magic” all through blind faith in some weird form of “evolution”. Believing in Evolution, without a Creator, takes more blind faith than I have. Maybe I am just weak-minded, but this couldn’t be by accident! I don’t have enough faith for the religion of Evolution.

Interestingly the newly commissioned James Webb Telescope is shattering the supposedly “settled science” of Big Bang evolutionary creation. What they are discovering is starting to point to the reality that maybe the whole of creation came into being everywhere, all at once! That the universe wasn’t some “poof” event that then started to put itself together without an intelligent designer. Sounds a little like the Creation Story of the Bible rather than a bunch of evolutionary accidents 😊

Then There Was That Sly Fox of Time

We come to the next interesting article of blind evolutionary faith, that vast amounts of time combined with infinite numbers of accidents performed some sort of miracle!

  • This all supposedly happened over time spans so long the human mind cannot comprehend them. Supposedly BILLIONS and BILLIONS of years.

Are you starting to see a pattern here? Things so large, time so long, accidents so numerous that the human mind cannot comprehend the sheer vastness of any one of them. Yet, this is all supposedly “science”.

To delve into this we have to first deal with what is called “science” these days. The modern scientific method traces its roots to a Sir Karl Popper. At its most basic to be science something must be falsifiable. That is just a fancy way to say it must be able to be tested and the testing cannot always be true. You must be able to prove that there is a right, but also a wrong answer. In other words, not every answer that is provided for the same question can be the right answer. So, the billions and billions of years creates a problem, it is not testable. Not even small parts are testable. As a result, none of this evolutionary theory is based on science at all. It is all based on blind articles of religious faith, clothed in theories presumed to be true, that pre-suppose evolution is the answer.


Are you starting to see the patterns here?

  • So many “accidents” that invented the origins and complexity of life that the human mind cannot imagine.
  • From nothing to everything in a universe so large, so vast, that the human mind cannot even comprehend its size.
  • To periods of time so enormous, so expansive, that the mind cannot take in the grand scale of the ages.
  • And most of all, none of this can be tested to prove whether it is true or false.

All of this takes blind religious faith in things that cannot ever be tested, and therefore there is no way to ever prove or disprove the theory of evolution. This is not science, it is religion pretending it is science. If you believe in some or all of evolution then you may have adopted a false religion that is directly opposed to a belief in the God of the Bible. Accepting this false religious belief, pretending that it is science, may be the source of your struggles with faith.

Real science in evaluating just the DNA evidence proves there is an Intelligent Creator. Not some set of accidents. I just accept that the Intelligent Creator of all of this elegant design is the God of the Bible. The difference is that I make no pretense that parts of my belief system do require faith. Not just blind faith that there must be a designer, honest science easily demonstrates DNA alone could not happen by accident. To my knowledge science cannot prove that the Designer is the God of the Bible. However, as a historical text, it is likely the most researched and proven historical text in the history of the world! Further, the Genesis story about God creating all that we know as the universe, all at one time is being demonstrated by the recent James Webb telescope. The Universe didn’t just go “pop” with some big explosion that expanded from “nothing to everything” over billions of years by an indescribable number of accidents. Creation directly mandates an intelligent designer or the intervention of God. The James Webb evidence demonstrates the universe we know started as completely formed and intact. This is the Bible story of Genesis with God speaking Creation into existence.

As a last point to consider, Evolution more clearly aligned to a religious belief requiring blind faith. As actual science is applied and shows there is evidence of a Creator and the supposed theories supporting Evolution are collapsing. If you go to church, or profess any type of faith in the Bible, abandon this false religion of Evolution and seek the God of the Bible through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory – YouTube